To the Faculty:

Our role in the university is never as passive recipients of action, nor merely as responders to the work of others. We also are initiators of the work that makes a university what it must be.

-- from "Simple, Non-Threatening, Courageous Acts"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shaw University on the ONE Campaign Blog

As a follow-up to the post about the Lott Carey Youth Seminar, I wanted to let folks know about a story featuring this event at Shaw. The ONE Campaign is working hard to bring together governments, NGOs, churches, music fans, and many more to find solutions to HIV/AIDS and poverty. The youth at this seminar spent a day learning about and working with the ONE Campaign, in line with the them, "Called to Be a Blessing." The ONE Campaign blog wrote about the event and posted a video of David Goatley. This is great!

Mike Broadway

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