To the Faculty:

Our role in the university is never as passive recipients of action, nor merely as responders to the work of others. We also are initiators of the work that makes a university what it must be.

-- from "Simple, Non-Threatening, Courageous Acts"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

QEP--Work Continues at Shaw

Today I observed part of a meeting in the Faculty Lounge in Debnam Hall (my favorite place to hide out on campus). Dr. Greenfield and Dr. Bunch were meeting with Deans and others to discuss the development of a Quality Enhancement Plan for Shaw University. They will hold other meetings with other groups as time goes on. By the time of the SACS review, Shaw will have prepared a plan for specific improvements to make over the coming years. It is a process that Shaw says must be "faculty driven." You can get updates and make comments through a blog set up by the committee: Shaw University QEP. Let's roll up our sleeves and do our part to make this plan something that we all can get behind--Harambee.

Mike Broadway

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